Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of Public/WhitePaperMachineTalk

May 4, 2023, 1:56:02 AM (20 months ago)
Boris Horner


  • Public/WhitePaperMachineTalk

    v13 v14  
    2828Evidently, the example shown is of one-shot type. A user converts data of type A into type B, and then perhaps does so again with a new set of data, and again. But each operation starts with the same set of training data and it is not expected that the system learns from subsequent user input.
    30 But why not? We could implement a one-shot problem as a dialog, so that the application can learn and improve its reasoning. But this would require some sort of feedback mechanism, either by the user or by another AI instance that validates the previous result and returns feedback if it needs to be improved. Without a feedback mechanism, dialog-type reasoning should rather be avoided, because the subsequent user data will change the AI's behaviour, but not necessarily to the better.
    31 Tokens, the unit that is charged for when using the API, are quite cheap (fractions of a Cent for a typical transform), so it's not worth risking data quality to reduce training data upload volume. But with consistent and specific feedback, this can be a way to increase quality.
     30But why not? We could implement a one-shot problem as a dialog, so that the application can learn and improve its reasoning. But this would require some sort of feedback mechanism, either by the user or by another AI instance that validates the previous result and returns feedback if it needs to be improved. Without a feedback mechanism, dialog-type reasoning should rather be avoided, because the subsequent user data will change the AI's behaviour, but not necessarily to the better. The AI model could start producing wrong output and cultivate this, because it is never corrected.
     31Tokens, the units that are charged for when using the API, are quite cheap (fractions of a Cent for a typical transform), so it's not worth risking data quality to reduce training data upload volume. But with consistent and specific feedback, this can be a way to increase quality.
    3333This approach, however, reveals a weakness of the GPT API: it does not have a sophisticated session management with precise control on how context are stored. There is a way to pick up a dialog context (which is required for dialog applications like chatbots), but there is no reliable way to influence the lifetime of a context, or even, to be informed that a context has expired. We haven't tested this very well yet, but a mechanism to cope with this could be to train the AI to return a certain string (like "OUTPUT") at the beginning of each response. If "OUTPUT" is missing, then this could show the AI has forgotten the training and silently set up a new context.
    35 If openAI granted me a wish, I'd say, I'd like to have an API method to create a context, and either I can give it a lifetime of two hours, or one month, or infinity. Another method would kill a context. The method to create a chat response can either be called without a context (then it returns one response and forgets the context after wards), or with a context, then it can access all that happened before. Nice to have: clone a context to train one with complex data and then create a clone for each request (and then kill the clone request).
     35If openAI granted me a wish, I'd say, I'd like to have an API method to create a context, and I can give it a lifetime of two hours, or one month, or infinity. Another method would kill a context. The method to create a chat response can either be called without a context (then it returns one response and forgets the temporary context after wards), or with a context, then it can access all that happened before. Nice to have: clone a context to train one with complex data and then create a clone for each request (and then kill the clone request).
    3737I am aware that this would cause cost in form of resources used by saved contexts, but openAI could charge for it and let the account owner decide what to keep and for how long.