Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Public/WhitePaperMachineTalk

May 4, 2023, 12:18:11 AM (20 months ago)
Boris Horner


  • Public/WhitePaperMachineTalk

    v2 v3  
    1818Concepts of classical programming languages differ, and there are some exotic ones like //Prolog// that move away from the common pattern, but basically, a classical program consists of small elements (commands or instructions) that step by step do small operations on the data that bring it closer to a problem solution.
    20 AIs are not instructed this way. An NLP AI brings along the ability to "understand" the text (or better: to behave as if it did). Therefore, we do not have to write lengthy software code to tell it how to (for example) find all the nouns in an input text in all possible languages and replace them with the correct terms. We must just provide the correct terms and how to find the wrong terms. A good way to teach such things are by a combination of instructions and examples, and also examples how not to do it. The interesting thing is: if we teach an AI things based on an English example, and if the same thing makes sense in German as well, the AI is likely to be able to do, in spite it's never been trained with German text.
     20AIs are not instructed this way. An NLP AI brings along the ability to "understand" the text (or better: to behave as if it did). Therefore, we do not have to write lengthy software code to tell it how to (for example) find all the nouns in an input text in all possible languages and replace them with the correct terms. We must just provide the correct terms and how to find the wrong terms. A good way to teach such things are by a combination of instructions and examples, and also examples how not to do it. The interesting thing is: if we teach an AI things based on an English example, and if the same thing makes sense in German as well, the AI is likely to be able to do, in spite it's never been trained with German text. The AI context in this screenshot has mainly been trained with German data, and received just a short example in English:
     21[[Image(Public/ImageContainer:StructureAndModularizeText.png, align=center, width=50%, margin-bottom=20, link=)]]
    2226So, the AI can do all the basic lingual processing and also powerful reasoning, we must just provide data it doesn't have by default and information on what we expect it to do with the user's input data.