
Data and Process Modelling

Applications for data and process modelling consultancy

Similar to product selection consultancy and technical project coordination consultancy, the data and porocess modelling consultancy format closes a gap that exists in many infrastructural optimization projects. When introducing one or multiple software products, software vendors tend to see the world with their own tool as the center of the universe. This perspective leads to suboptimal processes and data models.

The design of a data model should take the whole picture into account with all database systems relevant to the context. When introducing a CCMS, for example, important data sources in the vicinity are:

  • A Product Information Management System (PIM) serving the product hierarchy and technical data on products and articles. These data are used in the CCMS as the source for product validity assignmens and to fill out technical data sheets. A PIM is also the source for variant management information.
  • An Enterprise Resource Management System (ERP), providing parts lists to control publication of custom documentation for a particular, individual product with options and customization.
  • All systems holding terminology and translations.
  • Publication targets like PDF and print post-processes, deployment to Content Delivery Portals or Service Management Systems, Webshops etc.
  • Integration with Knowledge Management Systems like a Wiki and / or an Issue Tracking System.

What we can do for you

  • Based on information provided by the customer, we analyze the entire network of data processed in a group of systems.
  • In cooperation with the customer, we define master data sources and supply processes to slave systems (synchronously or asynchronously).
  • We describe interfaces and authoring / review processes for these data.
  • We support our customers to supervize the implementation of such integration by software vendors or specialized consultancy providers.
Last modified 22 months ago Last modified on Oct 10, 2022, 3:00:39 PM
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